Rob's First Pool Experience

Exhilarating experience with Rob's first pool experience
at age 1

It's Rob's big red letter day. His first pool splash. The experience was so funny and exciting. He's a bit scared seeing a body of bluish water. Rob's exposure to water is only thru his mini tub where he could just dip while setting down. The pool seemed to be "frightening"to him.


To make him feel comfy, he was dipped knee-deep for a while. He felt okey as in okey.


Then his hands, seemingly familiarizing the water.


A splash from Kuya Aeroll scared him a bit...


To make his experience complete, Mommy put on an arm jacket so he can float in the water.


Apprehensive of what will happen next..still scared..


                                        ...floating...but uncomfy...scared...mixed feelings...


Kuya Fonzy tried to helped out to keep Rob afloat

Bit scared still..even with ate per..


...Oh no! this time with ate alma...


Has the"feel" of the water already...beginning to enjoy...


...enjoying the swim...


...preparing for a dip...

--iii-- two three DIP!

Robin by the pool spring...

...hungry detergent Robin...swimming is indeed a good exercise...


...after a day's swim? ..."tanned"

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